Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Art does more than just hang around on walls...

"You can start the day in a rush...or by looking at your favourite art book.." This quote comes out of one of my fave books called "Sensual Home" by Ilse Crawford, that I picked up in London over ten years ago.. her sentiments reign supreme even today.. Ilse's book is all about creative energy, creating balance harmony and space in the home and the spirit...and choosing special art pieces that you love, intuitively not rationally, I love it! What our beach bungalow currently lacks in furniture it makes up for in artworks, including Banx originals and also some from my own personal collection by my favourite female artists like Anne McLeay, collage artist Anne Foster and a Samoan artist friend Ruta. Another friend in Canada is hand making an exquisite quilt for us. Not to mention Peter Hardie's award winning photography of flippers too (how lucky he is my brother!). Our bungalow will be an artisan's haven. Even the dining table we are currently scrubbing back in the studio for the bungalow was once an artist's and a potter's table. I love every one of its scratches and marks, it tells a story. Artists create things that excite our senses, they dig deep into our psyche's and unlock something personal within us, and how wonderful to bring this to everyday life! The rest of the furniture can take a back seat - I want to sit on my temporary fold up chair in our new space and just keep staring at the sensational art that surrounds us! (This painting is called Medley by Banx).

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